Range of motion, R.O.M.

Term used to measure the amount of flexion,extension, and rotation in a joint/extremity.

Rehabilitation Team

Group of allied health care professionals that frequently includes physician, surgeon, orthotist/prosthetists, physical and occupational therapist, social worker and counselor who serve the needs of a patient.

Relief Area

When fabricating an orthosis or prosthesis, reliefs are made to provide space over a wound or bony prominence.

Removable rigid dressing

A removable wound dressing consisting of a rigid outer shell, as a plastic shell or plastic socket.


Re-connecting a limb lost by trauma.


That, what is left over.

Residual limb

Remaining portion of the limb after amputation.


Residual limb, stump.


A chemical liquid that is used in fabrication of orthoses/prostheses.


The backward movement of a body part such as the shoulder.


Surgical modification of the residual limb.

Rib hump

Scoliotic convexity, protruding rotated aspect of rib cage.

Rigid dressing

A wound dressing consisting of a rigid outer shell, as Plaster of Paris wrap or plastic shell.


A nail like object that is used to connect straps/buckles on a prosthesis or orthosis.

Rocker bottom sole

A modification on the sole of a shoe that removes material on the toe and the heel of the sole. Allows for a quicker rollover as well as distributes pressure through the stance phase.


Prosthetic device providing vertical rotation.


A circular or turning movement of a body part, such as the back or head, around its axis.

R.F.O.M. (Registered Fitter-Orthotics Mastectomy)

Fitter who has passed the American Board of Certification in Orthotics & Prosthetics standards for both orthotic and mastectomy fitting and completes mandatory continuing education requirements and adheres to the Canons of Ethical Conduct.

R.T.O. (Registered Orthotic Technician)

Technician who has passed the American Board of Certification in Orthotics & Prosthetics standards for both orthotic and mastectomy fitting and completes mandatory continuing education requirements and adheres to the Canons of Ethical Conduct.

R.T.P. (Registered Prosthetic Technician)

Technician who has passed the American Board of Certification in Orthotics & Prosthetics standards for both orthotic and mastectomy fitting and completes mandatory continuing education requirements and adheres to the Canons of Ethical Conduct.

R.T.P.O. (Registered Prosthetic-Orthotic Technician)

Technician who has passed the American Board of Certification in Orthotics & Prosthetics standards for both orthotic and mastectomy fitting and completes mandatory continuing education requirements and adheres to the Canons of Ethical Conduct.

R.F.O. (Registered Fitter-Orthotics)

Fitter who has passed the American Board of Certification in Orthotics & Prosthetics standards for orthotic fitting and completes mandatory continuing education requirements and adheres to the Canons of Ethical Conduct.

R.F.M. (Registered Fitter-Mastectomy)

Fitter who has passed the American Board of Certification in Orthotics & Prosthetics standards for mastectomy fitting and completes mandatory continuing education requirements and adheres to the Canons of Ethical Conduct.


Reciprocating Gait Orthosis; special HKAFO that mechanically allows paralyzed persons to walk step over step; generally used with crutches or sometimes a walker for balance.

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