Dan Horkey helps other amputee's ProstheticINK technology
Global Tattoo Orthotic Prosthetic Innovations LLC ( GTOPI )

Dan Horkey helps amputees and those who wear orthopedic braces regain self-esteem, image and pride enhancing the quality of lives.
In 2008, amputee - entrepreneur Dan Horkey founder of GTOPI.com set out to develop the first company of its kind to offer state of art innovations that are automotive quality, durable finish, similar to what you see on street rods and choppers.
Dan calls the end results “tattoos” since the artwork is air brushed to a artificial body part, and helps people feel good about themselves and express their own personality and interests.
The VA is now purchasing our patent pending methods of restorations for prosthetic limbs orthopedic devices because it's such an important part of their daily lives.
Photo of Veteran Prosthetic socket below, hand brushed work by GTOPI.com artist Dalton

Questions how to get started, comments please send us a message via our website www.gtopi.com
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