Simon is a film-industry professional who suffered a stroke and multiple traumatic injuries from a car accident 13 years ago.
Wants a full recovery
"I was originally reported dead at the scene. I received about 5 people's worth of blood in transfusions. I lost a lot of use of the left side of my body and it really affected my ability to walk."
"The emotional journey of rehab is, I think, in some ways the hardest. For me it's been so hard to get clear answers because I was never a patient who wanted to settle. I was a patient who wanted to get the best possible recovery and no one would tell me really what the potential was for recovery."
"For thirteen years I've had an AFO; I've always had problems with it."
Covering new ground with the NESS L300
"Now I'm at two miles and hour walking with the L300 comfortably. That's four times the pace as before. My balance is a whole lot better, I'm walking at a more comfortable speed, and what I love is the fact that when I'm walking with people, I can adjust how fast I'm walking to the speed that they're walking at; it's entirely natural. I don't have to think about every step that I take now. That's huge. In a week's time I'm taking the California driving test... so what I'm looking forward to doing is driving. [The NESS L300] just opens up all of the avenues that I wanted to have open to me throughout my rehab - this to me opens the door to full recovery."
With Bioness, Simon can say 'yes'!
"It gave me speed and balance and confidence in the community. So at the end of the day, I really feel as if there aren't any barriers that are beyond my reach. The L300 is my 'yes' device. I can say yes to anything. I can undertake any goal."
Note: Bioness is happy to congratulate Simon on receiving his driver's license after nearly 14 years without one!
*Individual results vary. Consult with a qualified physician to determine if these products are right for you.