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Knit with the magic of silver. X-STATIC®

Building on over 80 years of medical textile innovations, Knit-Rite is the first to bring silver's antimicrobial and therapeutic characteristics to the O&P community with an entire family of products constructed with X-STATIC® - The Silver Fiber™ from Noble Fiber Technologies. This silver fiber is an all-natural element that effectively "smothers" bacteria at the cellular level. Silver ions bind with proteins inside and outside bacterial cell membranes, to inhibit odor and infection before it even gets started.


Products with X-STATIC also offer unbeatable moisture-wicking and thermodynamic properties. As the temperature warms, conduction is the primary means of heat transfer. Thermally conductive silver fibers in X-STATIC work much like a silver spoon in a cup of hot tea, by conducting heat away from the skin to the ambient air, thereby cooling the body.


X-STATIC also enhances the body's natural ability to evaporate moisture. The conductivity of the silver fibers acts to accelerate evaporation. As moisture is evaporated, a correspondingly greater amount of moisture can be drawn through the yarn system for subsequent evaporation. X-STATIC products transport perspiration away from the body faster, creating a more comfortable environment and less potential for the development of dermatitis, bacterial irritation, and odor.


Natural silver reacts with human body chemistry and is used for its therapeutic qualities in many medical products. More than 12 years of published clinical research supports Noble's safety and claims. Additional benefits of X-STATIC fibers are their anti-static, all natural and permanent properties.


Battle odor and skin irritation with help from KnitRite!

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KennethBThompson : re: Knit with the magic of silver. X-STATIC® commented on Thursday, July 21, 2022 8:35:23 AM
It is a great post you shared here with the detail about the products with X-STATIC and it is a great place for us to find the best solutions. When read about the assignment writing services I saw many people are searching for it and using it to find the solution.

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