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Press Release




Valencia, Calif. — July 30, 2008 — Bioness Inc., an innovative provider of advanced

neuromodulation products designed to accelerate recovery from central nervous system

disorders, announced today that HealthSouth Corporation, the nation’s largest provider of

inpatient rehabilitative healthcare services, will expand the availability of the NESS H200® Hand Rehabilitation System and the NESS L300™ Foot Drop System to 88 rehabilitation hospitals nationwide.

“HealthSouth is committed to using technology effectively for our patients, so we’ve developed

a rigorous process for evaluating and selecting new therapeutic devices,” said Dr. Dexanne

Clohan, HealthSouth Chief Medical Officer. “We look for innovations that would be well

accepted by patients and therapists and offer opportunities for improved clinical outcomes.”

HealthSouth’s Bioness pilot program initially involved 27 hospitals. It will expand its NESS

H200 program to 37 hospitals and its NESS L300 program to 54 hospitals. The roll-out into

these additional facilities is scheduled for completion by September 2008.

“We are excited about HealthSouth’s decision to expand their Bioness programs and allow many more individuals access to our advanced technologies nationwide,” said Yitzhak Zilberman, President & CEO of Bioness Inc. “We are proud of this technology and are gratified by HealthSouth’s favorable assessment.”

Bioness’ devices are designed to help patients living with limitations caused by stroke, multiple

sclerosis, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury and other central nervous system disorders.

The NESS H200 Hand Rehabilitation System is designed for patients who have difficulties using their weak or paralyzed arm and hand to perform common tasks that require grasp and release, especially two-handed activities such as pushing a cart, fastening a belt, buttoning or sweeping.

The H200 helps to restore lost arm and hand function through repetitive training with patients

and may re-educate their muscles and reduce complications including muscle spasms. The NESS L300 Foot Drop System is designed to help patients suffering from foot drop walk more safely and easily. The award-winning L300 is a light-weight, wireless device that fits just below the knee, and may eliminate the need for patients to wear a rigid, heavy orthosis.

About HealthSouth

HealthSouth is the nation’s largest provider of inpatient rehabilitation services. Operating in 26

states across the country and in Puerto Rico, HealthSouth serves more than 250,000 patients

annually through its network of inpatient rehabilitation hospitals, long-term acute care hospitals, outpatient rehabilitation satellites, and home health agencies. HealthSouth strives to be the health care company of choice for its patients, employees, physicians and shareholders and can be found on the Web at


About Bioness Inc.

Bioness develops, manufactures and markets innovative neuromodulation products that aid

individuals in the recovery from central nervous system disorders such as stroke, multiple

sclerosis, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury and other central nervous system disorders.

The NESS L300™ Foot Drop System and the NESS H200® Hand Rehabilitation System, cleared for use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and granted the CE Mark in the European Union are designed to enable patients to achieve new levels of physical independence and productivity.


Additional information about Bioness can be found at

NESS L300™, NESS H200® and BIONESS® are trademarks of Bioness Inc.,

Valencia, California | Manufacturer: Bioness Inc. | European Authorized Manufacturing Site:

Bioness Neuromodulation Ltd., Ra'anana, Israel | Rx Only




Media Contact:

Nicole Huie/Wendy Ryan

Schwartz Communications




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DeborahJAdams : re: BIONESS ANNOUNCES NESS H200 AND L300 commented on Saturday, December 25, 2021 4:26:16 PM
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Jim McCallister : re: BIONESS ANNOUNCES NESS H200 AND L300 commented on Thursday, April 9, 2009 4:38:28 PM

Please excuse mistake made on the phone number for Snell Lab it is 479 -785-1881

Jim McCallister : re: BIONESS ANNOUNCES NESS H200 AND L300 commented on Thursday, April 9, 2009 4:36:25 PM

We have nailed down a date! It will be may 21st 2009. But the location will be held ar Snell Prosthetic and Orthotic Lab. The phone number is 479-785-1882.

Jim McCallister : re: BIONESS ANNOUNCES NESS H200 AND L300 commented on Thursday, April 2, 2009 4:35:05 PM

There will be a free Bioness screening day comming soon to the Fort Smith Arkansas area! It will be held at Health South Rehab. Anyone who wants more information please email me at Feel free to contact me and I will post a date and time as soon as we get it nailed down.

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