3R60 EBS & EBSpro

EBSpro: Smaller, lighter and with progressive resistance. 3R60 EBS & EBSpro – Rocker to visually verify the degree to which the EBS function is utilised. EBSpro- Adjustment pyramid can be repositioned in the a/p direction.
3R60 EBS & EBSpro – Four connection options to support fittings for knee disarticulation, transfemoral amputation, hip disarticulation and hemipelvectomy patients. 3R60 EBS & EBSpro

Otto Bock

3R60 EBS & EBSpro


  • Special EBS feature: Much closer to the physiological gait pattern
  • Optimised swing phase hydraulics
  • EBSpro: Smaller, lighter and with progressive EBS resistance
  • For amputees with knee disarticulation, transfemoral amputation, hip disarticulation and hemipelvectomy
  • Suitable for mobility levels 2 and 3
  • 3R60 EBS – approved up to 125 kg
  • EBSpro – approved up to 75 kg

Additional information:

EBS stands for Ergonomically Balanced Stride. We improved this patented, unique construction – which has proven itself thousands of times – even further in the new generation of the 3R60.


The smaller, lighter EBSpro with especially adapted functions for users with a body weight of up to 75 kg is based on the proven 3R60 knee joint. The EBS unit, which consists of a spring-hydraulic combination, is a world novelty. It is a world novelty because it automatically adapts to the needs of the prosthesis wearer depending on the walking speed.


The wearer wants to be able to walk safely, comfortably, and in a physiological manner with a prosthesis. The gait pattern should be as similar as possible to the natural, healthy gait. With the 3R60 EBS or the EBSpro knee joint, the wearer is well on the way towards achieving these goals. Controlled knee flexion up to 15° during heel impact is a decisive factor. Stance phase flexion of the knee joint can be customised to any walking pattern. This relieves the residual limb, hips, and spine of the prosthesis wearer and results in additional stability.



Optimized Swing Phase Control


An innovative hydraulic system controls the behaviour of the knee joint during the swing phase. The damping values of the hydraulic system are based on gait analysis investigations. For the user, this mainly means that he or she can easily initiate the swing phase and can use a wide range of walking speeds. Flexion and extension dampening can be separately and individually customised to the requirements of the prosthesis wearer.


The special polycentric structure makes it possible to sit down easily without targeted load relief, and also offers more ground clearance during swing-through. This contributes to enhanced safety and comfort.


The new generation of the 3R60 is smaller and, with a weight of 845 grams, also lighter than its predecessor. With a net weight of just 740 grams, the EBSpro is especially suitable for smaller, lighter prosthesis wearers. Therefore its dimensions are also smaller than those of the 3R60 EBS.  


Each joint – the 3R60 EBS and the EBSpro – is also available in four modular connection versions so that fittings for all amputation heights are supported.

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Otto Bock - 3R60 EBS & EBSpro
new leg
by newage.steel on 1/4/2017 1:21:44 AM
Well I just received my new leg. With otto bock 3r60 knee, and I am not impressed. I have a old prophetic leg made back in 1992 that works better. I can walk smoother and quicker with out having to look at my feet, with my new leg I constantly have to watch my foot and make sure that the leg is supporting my weight, because I fell back words on it once al ready. So I think this is garbage. I now have a $40,000 leg in my closest that I can't use.....
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