The next generation
With the Harmony® system, increased negative pressure between the prosthesis socket and liner creates an optimum connection between the prosthesis and residual limb. Proprioception is enhanced and strain on the residual limb is reduced. In addition, increasing the vacuum reduces the daily volume fluctuations of the residual limb. This effective system to connect a prosthesis has been available to transtibial amputees since 2001 in the form of the mechanical Harmony® pumps (e.g. P2 or HD). Their effectiveness has already been proven by several studies.
Since some basic requirements must be met for fittings with mechanical pumps, Otto Bock has developed a new pump: The Harmony® e-pulse. It features:
• No restrictions on patient weight
• No activity level restrictions
• No amputation height restrictions
The non-weight-bearing component can be positioned in various locations on the prosthesis (e.g. on the socket or tube adapter). It offers four preset negative pressure levels up to a maximum of approximately 600mbar (18inHg).The system is also small and lightweight, and features a low noise level as well as intuitive operation. This allows your customers to benefit from the advantages of the system without bothersome side effects.