Andres Velasquez Blog

Anaplastology & How Helping Helps Us All 

Written by Andres Velasquez Friday, February 26, 2010 3:37:24 PM
HELP! We ask for it, we provide it; if we where to just stop for a second and give it some thought our whole existence is based around this four letter word. I mean almost every action in our everyday lives helps in one way or another. For example,... read more

Be Excited: Bebionic is coming!  

Written by Andres Velasquez Wednesday, February 24, 2010 10:19:02 AM
Technology, it improves our lives, it allows us to live in more comfort, it keeps us connected, it makes us more productive, it even entertains us; but in certain aspects of life, technology allows people affected by limb loss to reach their... read more

Putting Autism to Work 

Written by Andres Velasuez Thursday, February 11, 2010 1:57:39 PM
It’s a small world after all Now days it is very common to stay connected with people no matter where they are; three days ago my younger sister took a plane to Oviedo, Spain, for a semester of study abroad. Yesterday, I was able to briefly... read more

A blog about blogging 

Written by Andres Velasquez Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:30:00 AM
  Let’s Talk With the advent of web 2.0 the internet has shifted from an information platform to a discussion forum. Unfortunately for some, the shift has been so seamless that many do not realize that they can now participate on these... read more

And If You Can’t Say Love… 

Written by Andres Velasquez Friday, February 5, 2010 9:27:41 AM
  As Valentine’s Day approaches, I started to wonder about the origin of this “Hallmark Holiday”. So I did what anybody with a question like that would do in this day and age. I opened up my internet browser, went to Google, and I searched for ... read more

Aaron “Wheelz” Fotheringham: Changing the World’s... 

Written by Andres Velasquez Wednesday, February 3, 2010 10:30:00 AM
Every time I go to visit my family in Claremont, a small suburban town outside of Orlando, Florida, my little cousins ask me to do a back flip off a wall. I love the attention, so I make them beg for it, not because I’m mean, it’s just nice to be... read more

The Future of Prosthetics: I like where we are headed! 

Written by Andres Velasquez Friday, January 22, 2010 12:19:09 PM
Imagination: The Father of Technology In the 1800s Jules Verne wrote about rockets that would go to the moon and submarines that would allow men to explore the vastness of the ocean. Back then who would have thought that going into space on a... read more

Seek For Prosthetic Aid and You Shall Find the BFAAF 

Written by Andres Velasquez Wednesday, January 20, 2010 10:01:24 AM
Seek and you shall find! Ask and you shall receive! In this case I didn’t ask to find this bit of information, but I get the feeling that finding about it is not a coincidence so I’m going to help disseminate the information through the cyber... read more

The Revolution Will Be Lemonade 

Written by Andres Velasquez Monday, January 18, 2010 10:13:21 AM
Today I read two articles, both of them related in some way to people affected by limb loss. Gil Scott-Heron said that “the revolution will not be televised…” well, I agree with you Gil Schott-Heron! However, the revolution that I am writing about... read more

To Be Consciously Grateful 

Written by Andres Velasquez Thursday, January 14, 2010 10:53:02 AM
One of the hardest things to accomplish as a human is to develop the constant awareness to be grateful for the things we have. Sure, every once in a while we feel very grateful for what we have, however; that feeling is usually triggered when we are ... read more
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